Application rules for suppliers
In managing the application process, the Lead Agencies will endeavour to act fairly and reasonably in all of its dealings with interested suppliers, and to follow a due process that is open and transparent.
Words and phrases that have a special meaning in these Rules and General Conditions are shown by the use of initial capitals.
Definitions of Marketplace terminology
If you have any questions about the Marketplace Application Rules and General Conditions, please get in touch with the Marketplace team.
Completing your application
You are required to use the online application form and to fill in all the information requested in that form.
By submitting an application, you agree to be bound by Rules on the page and you accept the General Conditions.
Application General Conditions
You will:
- consider all risks, contingencies and other circumstances relating to your participation in Marketplace
- if appropriate, obtain independent advice before submitting an application, and
- satisfy yourself as to the correctness and sufficiency of your application.
Your questions
You should satisfy yourself as to the interpretation of this application. If there is any perceived ambiguity or uncertainty in the documentation provided on this website, you should seek clarification promptly.
All requests for clarification must be made to the Marketplace Manager. We will respond to queries in a timely manner.
Contact the Marketplace team for clarification about the application process.
If we consider your request to be of sufficient importance to interest all suppliers, we may provide details of the question and answer to other applicants on this website. If we do so, we may summarise the questions and will not disclose your identity.
If you submit a request for clarification, you need to state if any information involved is commercially sensitive. We will not publish such commercially sensitive information.
Submitting your application
You may submit an application at any time. We will acknowledge receipt of your application after you have submitted it.
We intend to rely on the accuracy of all the information you provide. In submitting an application and communicating with us, you should check that all information you provide is:
- true, accurate and complete, and not misleading in any material respect, and
- does not contain intellectual property that will breach a third party’s rights.
Selection criteria
We will base our selection on the entry criteria provided on this website for each of the Marketplace channels. These criteria are non-weighted and, unless otherwise specified, are rated under a binary pass/fail criterion.
- Professional and Consultancy Services entry criteria
- Managed Services entry criteria
- Public Cloud (SaaS) Services entry criteria
We will advise you by email if you have been accepted, or not, to be a supplier on Marketplace.
We will not publicly announce your acceptance as a supplier on Marketplace because your catalogue entry will be publicly available when it is published on Marketplace.
Response process
All applications submitted will be receipted by the Marketplace team.
The relevant Lead Agency will review your application against the criteria and determine suitability of the supplier and its services in the Marketplace.
Following the review by the Lead Agency, the Marketplace Administrator shall communicate the outcomes to you and if accepted, you will be invited to create your service catalogue in the Marketplace.
Debrief for unsuccessful applicants
If you are not accepted as a supplier on Marketplace, we will provide you with a short debrief statement setting out the reasons.
You are welcome to reapply once the issues raised in the debrief statement have been resolved.
Issues and complaints
1. You may, in good faith, raise with us any issue or complaint about the Marketplace, or the application process at any time.
2. We will consider and respond promptly and impartially to the issue or complaint raised by you.
3. We and you agree to act in good faith and use our best endeavours to resolve any issue or complaint that may arise in relation to the Marketplace website or the application process.
4. The fact that you have raised an issue or complaint will not be used by us to unfairly prejudice your ongoing participation in the application process.
Contact the Marketplace team if you have any issues or complaints.